ACEC Colorado Installs 2021-22 Elected Board of Directors

The American Council of Engineering Companies of Colorado (ACEC Colorado) installed its newly elected 2021-22 Board of Directors at the organization’s Annual Meeting on April 22.

Bill Green, PE (The RMH Group – Lakewood) will serve as president and accepted the gavel virtually from Past President Karlene Thomas, PE (Pinyon Environmental – Colorado Springs) during the ceremony. Additional board members include Gary Clark, PE (Muller Engineering – Lakewood) as vice-president; Brant Lahnert, PE (KL&A – Golden) as secretary-treasurer; and Peter Monroe, PE (IMEG – Denver) as the ACEC National director representing Colorado.

The Denver metro area directors are:

Derek Lindvall, PE (Atkins – Colorado Springs) is the south area director; Daniel Overton, PE (Engineering Analytics – Fort Collins) will serve as the north area director; and David Merritt, PE (AECOM – Glenwood Springs) is the west area director.

During his inaugural speech, Green re-emphasized the importance of all of the environmental issues our world is facing from sourcing alternative energy solutions, to efficiently heating and cooling buildings and homes, to the logistics and supply main management of our food and water supply.

“Our elected leaders, our clients, and even our families are depending on us to solve these incredibly complex and difficult problems.  When humanity is facing all of these challenges, they will not be solved by your accountant, by your lawyer, by your doctor, or even by your local politician, they will be solved by engineers,” commented Green during his virtual presentation to the ACEC Colorado membership. “We [engineers] hold a pivotal role in guiding this transformation,” concluded Green.

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