The American Land Title Association (ALTA) Good Deeds Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization founded by ALTA, the national trade association of the land title insurance industry, has awarded $6,000 to Denver-based Brothers Redevelopment, Inc.
Andy Mollock, regional title officer of Heritage Title Company in Denver nominated the nonprofit to receive the grant. Brothers Redevelopment Inc. is one of 24 nonprofit organizations across the United States that received a grant this month from the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation. The Foundation announced the recipients of this year’s first round of biannual grants during ALTA SPRINGBOARD, ALTA’s annual business strategies event.
“When the Foundation Board members notify our recipients of their grant status, we often are met with tears,” said Foundation Board Chair Mary O’Donnell, president and CEO of Westcor Land Title Insurance Co. and past president of ALTA. “Foundation grants can make an enormous difference for these small, charitable organizations. Many community nonprofits are operating on a shoestring, and a lot of times a Foundation grant is funding an entire annual budget. It is so inspiring to see local communities develop and grow because of the Foundation’s work.”
“In less than three years since the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation was started, we have provided $712,000 in grants to 121 community nonprofits in 38 states — plus the District of Columbia — across the country,” said ALTA CEO Diane Tomb. “Because of the overwhelming support of ALTA members, the Foundation is able to grow its meaningful work with affordable housing-related organizations and make an impact in so many communities.”
“We are honored to be the recipient of this grant from the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation,” said Chad Nibbelink, Paint-A-Thon program director of Brothers Redevelopment, Inc. “Our organization will use this grant to paint more homes of Colorado’s low-income, older, and disabled residents.”
During its long, successful run, the Paint-A-Thon has painted more than 7,500 local house exteriors with the help of more than 133,000 volunteers. And we’re still ready each spring and summer to take on all houses whose eligible owners want and need an exterior paint job at no charge. We’re accepting applications right now for the 2023 season. Please apply early and give us a head start in our planning.
Painting a home exterior can cost upward of $5,000 — a huge expense for any homeowner. The Paint-A-Thon program offers income-eligible homeowners the chance to save big and devote their savings to their other important costs, such as medication, groceries and bills, while still maintaining their most important investment — their home.
The ALTA Good Deeds Foundation was launched in 2020 to bolster the charitable efforts of ALTA members. Land title insurance professionals can apply for grants on behalf of recognized 501(c)(3) organizations that they assist financially or through volunteer efforts; preference is given to housing-related charities. The inaugural round of grants was announced in March 2021.