GE Johnson Launches Logistics Division

COLORADO SPRINGS — GE Johnson has launched a Logistics business unit that will provide the equipment, services, and materials for a variety of construction projects performed by GE Johnson — to support the company’s growing construction activity.

Projects are supported by GE Johnson Logistics in a variety of ways, including purchase and rental of industry-specific equipment such as cranes and small tools; meeting site-specific requirements and regulatory support; and waste removal. Employees of GE Johnson Logistics provide specialized expertise in their subject matter area – from centralized purchasing to materials coordination and safety supplies.

“This is a natural progression that coincides with our company’s growth and customer needs. It makes sense that we have a business unit that can provide all of the logistical support required for a project,” said GE Johnson CEO and Chairman, Jim Johnson.

GE Johnson Logistics is headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado and supports all of GE Johnson’s business units, including GE Johnson Construction Company, GE Johnson Site Services, HW Houston Construction, and Schmueser & Associates. It was launched in January and currently has more than 30 dedicated employees that transitioned from the equipment department of GE Johnson Construction Company.


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