ICM Acquires New Fabrication Shop in Pueblo

Piping, courtesy of ICM.

Industrial Constructors/Managers, Inc. (ICM), a licensed general contractor specializing in industrial construction and plant maintenance, has acquired a new fabrication facility in Pueblo, enabling it to expand the company’s pipefitting capacity. The new fab shop is located next to ICM’s Pueblo office and includes 3 acres of land and a building that was previously occupied by a crane supplier. 

“High quality pipe fabrication and installation is an industrial service that ICM has always excelled at; however, it was difficult to keep up with market demand given that we didn’t have a dedicated space built exclusively for prefabrication,” said Ed Myers, president of ICM. “Buying the land and building next door to our current office and steel fabrication shop allows us to vastly increase our scope of our work, from both a materials and labor standpoint, helping to expand yet also streamline how we deliver on projects.” 

The new pipe fab shop employs roughly 10 full-time pipefitters and can handle up to 48 inch diameter piping. ICM’s pipefitters are proficient at handling a wide variety of materials, including stainless steel, which is considered a more difficult material to fab and install. 

Shop quality and processes are run in accordance with two certifications – the ASME S Stamp and the NBIC R Stamp – which validate that the shop has met the following requirements: 

  • The manufacture and assembly of power boilers for shop and field sites are run in accordance with ASME Code Section I 
  • The fabrication and assembly of pressure piping for shop and field sites are run in accordance with ASME Code Section B3.1
  • Shop and field repairs and alterations of pressure-retaining items are run in accordance with the National Board Inspection Code and Jurisdictional Requirements

Approximately 35% of ICM’s process piping jobs are now being prefabricated in the shop, which is the preferred way to build pipe given that it’s done in a controlled atmosphere that’s free of weather and eliminates other external factors that can otherwise delay a project. The most recent project includes prefabricating and installing 11,000 feet of pipe for a power plant auxiliary boiler in roughly ten months. 

ICM provides design-build, steel fabrication and erection, equipment installation, pre-engineered metal structure development, plumbing and pressure piping, machining, concrete and plant shutdown and installation to a wide variety of industries. This includes aerospace, airports, electronic and data centers, food and beverage, manufacturing, government, mining and minerals, pharmaceutical and power generation companies.

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