Industry RiNo Station Signs New Long-Term Lease

RiNo Station

DENVERINDUSTRY RiNo Station, a 152,000-square-foot office project in the River North neighborhood of Denver, developed by Q Factor, LLC, recently announced the lease of 3,000-square-feet of office and classroom space to General Assembly, Inc. — a global education company empowering students both in Denver and around the world, with the technical skills necessary to pursue the work they love.

This relocation from their existing location at WeWork LoHi in Denver is an indicator of continued market strength and the demand in Denver for specialized technical education.

“We seek to provide our students with the best learning environment and collaborative experience as possible, whether they’re attending a one-time workshop or enrolled in one of our full-time courses,” said Mandy Le, head of Market Expansion for GA. “They appreciate being able to take classes, study independently or collaborate on group projects in a modern environment. The move to INDUSTRY RiNo Station is a smart move for us and our students.”

The RiNo Station space will feature four classrooms specifically designed for an engaging educational space and a growing staff. With wall-to- wall idea paint, video projectors, high-speed Wi-Fi, and specially designed classroom lighting, General Assembly will feel right at home.

“We are thrilled to have General Assembly as part of the INDUSTRY RiNo Station ecosystem. Their success and energy will propel the building and future proof their Denver presence,” says Jason Winkler, president of Q Factor.

Located at 3858 Walnut Street, INDUSTRY RiNo Station will be the first TOD project at the 38th & Blake A-line rail station. “The convenient location at the 38th & Blake rail station in RiNo was a huge plus for us. Our students come from the entire metro area. Direct access to the growing public transportation network in Denver was key in our decision,” said Brooke Smith, regional director of GA.

INDUSTRY builds itself upon the foundation of a curated modern and creative workspace. Shared common spaces including conference, training and meeting rooms, event space, kitchen and on-site restaurants and a café propel the concept of an organic accelerator for our tenants. Large and small companies find solace within its walls in order to grow and thrive.

Brooke Wilken, SVP of Property Management for INDUSTRY commented, “Many personal and professional relationships are cultivated in the common areas of INDUSTRY. The diverse mix of tenants at RiNo Station will offer networking opportunities for GA students. We are excited to see how relationships thrive with a thoughtful balance of office and educational space.”

Image courtesy of INDUSTRY.

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