National Western Center Seeks Development Partner for Final Phases of Redevelopment Project

DENVER – As construction moves forward on initial phases of the National Western Center’s redevelopment, the City and County of Denver’s new Performance Based Infrastructure (PBI) office is helping complete the master plan vision for the project. A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) seeking a development partner for the final phases of the Master Plan was released Friday.

Denver City Council adopted the National Western Center Master Plan in 2015, which outlined eight phases for the completion of the campus. Phases one and two are underway. Phases three through eight are known collectively as “The Triangle” and are included in Friday’s RFQ. The Triangle will complete the NWC campus and key assets. It will also complete the city’s commitment to environmental clean-up of the site, ensure the Stock Show remains in Denver for the next century and create jobs.

As the leader of the procurement process, the PBI office is dedicated to maintaining transparency with both the public and the industry. The goal of this office is to establish a neutral, standardized and transparent process to evaluate and execute potential partnerships with the private sector to deliver public infrastructure, such as The National Western Center. The office will ensure any potential projects stay true to Denver’s core values of inclusion, equity, and economic opportunities for all.

“We are excited for the first project to be released from this office,” said Emily Hauber, interim executive director of the PBI office. “The Triangle at the National Western Center is a prime example of how the PBI office can help provide an alternate way to meet the need for new public infrastructure.”

The city is seeking a public-private partnership to design, build and ultimately maintain The Triangle portion of the National Western Center, which is set to include a 10,000-seat arena, expo hall, rehabilitation of the historic 1909 building, parking and other public infrastructure.

Map courtesy of the City and County of Denver

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