Vertix Builders to Serve as General Contractor for The View at Castle Rock

Vertix Builders, a culture-focused construction company, has been selected as the general contractor for The View at Castle Rock, a $70 million redevelopment project in downtown Castle Rock. The owner of the project is Block, Inc., the owner’s representative is First Management and the architect is CT Design.

The View is a public-private partnership among the Town, the Downtown Alliance and Castle Rock Development LLC. The 201,000-square-foot, mixed-use development, which includes a 399-space parking structure, will sit on the northeast corner of Sixth and Jerry streets.

The project will redevelop the storage facilities presently at the site into 221 rental residential units, 14,242 square feet of office space, and 5,000 square feet of retail space. The six-story building will feature loft units on the top floor. Six-story structures are allowed in the north Downtown area per town regulations.

“We’re looking forward to working with an outstanding team of professionals and delivering another successful construction project from Vertix,” said Ryan Bonner, co-founder of Vertix Builders.  “The building will be highly visible from I-25 and contribute to the urban growth taking place in and around downtown Castle Rock.”

The Design Review Board approved the project’s site development plan in March 2021, and Town Council approved the redevelopment and financing agreement in April 2021. The project is scheduled for completion in 2024.

Rendering courtesy of CT Design

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