Vertix Builders, a culture-focused construction company specializing in healthcare projects, is proud to announce the successful completion of Banner Health’s 12,300-square-foot BMG Ginnala Clinic in Loveland. The work included an upgrade of the clinic’s various finishes.
Vertix is also underway with renovation work on Banner Health’s 16,900-square-foot BMG Windsor Clinic in Windsor. The work there includes the conversion of an old pharmacy and rehabilitation space into behavioral health and consultation rooms, as well as the construction of three general-purpose exam rooms, modification of the existing reception area, and upgrading various finishes.
Vertix’s work for Banner Health doesn’t stop there as the company was recently awarded a contract to provide preconstruction and a full tenant improvement build-out of the 14,000-square-foot BMG Timnath Riverbend Clinic in Timnath, CO.
Altus Architectural Studio is the design team for all three projects.
“We’re proud of our company’s trusted and longstanding relationship with Banner Health, and our ability to understand their needs and provide quality design and construction results,” said Ryan Bonner of Vertix Builders. “These successful outcomes are the result of a team of professionals who work closely together to find the best approach for scheduling, pricing, design, subcontractors and construction. We’re looking forward to the opportunity of working with and for Banner Health for many years to come.”
Banner Health is one of the largest secular nonprofit healthcare systems in the country. In addition to 33 hospitals, Banner also operates an academic medicine division, Banner – University Medicine, and Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center, a partnership with one of the world’s leading cancer programs, MD Anderson Cancer Center. Banner’s services include a health insurance division, employed physician groups, outpatient surgery centers, urgent care locations, home care and hospice services, retail pharmacies, stand-alone imaging centers, physical therapy and rehabilitation, behavioral health services, a research division and a nursing registry.