CREW Denver Seeks Nominations to its Board of Directors

Are you ready to take a leadership role in Denver by serving on the Board of Directors of CREW Denver? Serving on the board offers members a meaningful opportunity not only to influence the future of the chapter but also to develop critical leadership skills and recognition that will help propel their careers forward. Nominate yourself or another qualified leader for a board position!

The deadline for nominations is Friday, July 12, 2024 and you can nominate yourself or someone else.

1. Who can serve? Who can make a nomination?

Any CREW Denver member can submit a nomination for themselves or someone else. The only exception is people serving on the Nominating Committee. Current and past directors ARE eligible to serve again and should feel free to recommend themselves. The CREW Denver Nominating Committee, led by the president-elect, makes final nominations for the Board slate from individuals nominated by the membership.

2. What positions are open?

  • President-Elect (will serve as 2025 president-elect, 2026 president and 2027 past president)
  • Finance/Treasurer
  • Director of Membership
  • Director of Community Relations
  • Director of Member Engagement
  • Director of Foundation
  • Director of Membership
  • Director of Women of Influence

Members of the 2024 Board of Directors continuing to serve on the 2025 board will be: Robin Choate (as 2025 president); Lauren Fry (as past president); Teena Bergstrand (as director of communications); Denyse Airheart (as director of education) Jessica Glavas (as director of sponsorship); and Bailey Newlin (as director of programs). 

A current board member may be nominated for president-elect or another position, which would open a seat that is not currently open.

3. How do I nominate myself or someone else?

It’s easy! Click this link and fill in the name of the person you would like to nominate for each position. You can nominate yourself or someone for more than one position, too.

4. What if I’m not sure if the person I want to nominate is qualified/willing to serve?

If someone you know would make a great leader, let CREW Denver know. CREW will reach out to them and have that conversation. 

5. What is the process after someone is nominated?

The CREW Denver Nominating Committee requests nominees to complete a nominee acceptance form and questionnaire, reviews those submissions and learns more about recommended individuals. They then make the final nomination decision for the available Board and Officer positions. The CREW Denver membership, at its annual meeting in September, will vote on the slated individuals as proposed new Board members.

6. How long would I serve if nominated and elected? 

Director positions are two years. The president-elect will serve for three years – year one as president-elect, year two as president, and year three as past president.

7. What skills should a director have? 

While each director position has specific requirements, all Board members should: (1) have strong communication skills; (2) be able to think strategically and deal with “big picture” issues; (3) be able to motivate others; and (4) have a good understanding of the CREW Network, its purpose and goals, and of CREW Denver.

8. How much time is required?

Directors are expected to attend monthly board meetings (approx. 1 hour) and to participate in the committee meetings under their jurisdiction. Most positions require an additional 3-5 hours a month in additional work, including preparing a written report on activities each month, preparing and reviewing budgets and monthly financial statements and working with committee chairs to execute the committee mission.
Incoming directors and the incoming president-elect are also expected to begin working with departing directors and officers before taking office to help ensure a smooth transition on budgets, committee leadership and event calendars. For a better insight into the time required for a specific position, contact Nanette Erkman ( to be put in touch with the current director. 

Nominees for president-elect should also plan to attend the two CREW Network Leadership Summit meetings in January/February and June, and the CREW Network Convention and Marketplace during each year of service. (Expense allowances are provided.) 

All directors are also encouraged to attend CREW Network Leadership Summits and the CREW Network Convention and Marketplace.

9. What do I get out of it? 

Because CREW Denver has limited paid staff, serving on the board offers members an unprecedented opportunity to develop leadership skills. As a director, you will: 

  • Gain valuable skills in speaking/presentations, consensus building, motivating others, budget development and implementation, strategic planning and other areas of leadership.
  • You will also gain expanded professional connections that benefit you and your firm and local, regional and national exposure for you and your company. 
  • Perhaps most importantly, you’ll have an opportunity to influence the future direction and benefits of CREW Denver. 

In short, you can not only have a meaningful impact on the chapter, you can also develop the leadership skills that will help propel your career to the next level. 

10. What costs are involved in serving as a director? 

Directors are expected to attend CREW Denver lunch programs (this year, $55 each on average) and property tours (this year, $45). Attendance is also encouraged at our annual networking functions (e.g., wine tasting, martini mixer, golf tournament, Women of Influence – prices vary). 

Directors are also expected to support the CREW Network Foundation with a donation in any amount. Directors are also strongly encouraged to be corporate sponsors for CREW Denver, although it is not a requirement.

The president-elect is expected to attend the CREW Network Convention and Marketplace, although most travel, registration and hotel expenses are paid by CREW Denver. In addition, the president-elect will be expected to attend the CREW Network Council meetings in January/February and June during each year of service, but those expenses are generally paid by CREW Denver. The actual amount paid will be allocated by budget, which is approved by the Board.

Other board members pay their own way to these events. 

11. What qualifications are considered by the Nominating Committee?

  • Demonstrated leadership abilities (in committee work or otherwise observed by CREW Denver members or members of the Nominating Committee)
  • Effectiveness as an ambassador for CREW Denver
  • Past participation in CREW activities
  • Ability to work as a team member, while delegating responsibilities to others
  • Dedication to CREW Denver – proven performance and a willingness to put the good of the organization ahead of personal agenda
  • Good sense of fairness
  • Good communication and delegation skills
  • Ability to manage several committees simultaneously 

CREW Denver was founded in 1984 to connect commercial real estate women in Denver for business opportunities. Today, with over 230 members, its mission is to advance all women in commercial real estate through business networking, leadership development, career outreach, and industry research. 

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