GH Phipps Wins New K-12 Projects in 3 Districts

Greenwood Village, ColoradoGH Phipps is celebrating winning elementary school projects in Denver, Aurora, and Colorado Springs.

They are:

  • Denver Public Schools’ Park Street Elementary School:  Construction on this new $27 million ECE-5 project in Denver’s Stapleton neighborhood is to begin by July in the vicinity of East 56th Avenue and Florence Street. The 90,000-square-foot school, designed by Humphries Poli Architects, is part of the Stapleton Airport Redevelopment led by Forest City Development. The school is being modeled after the Isabella Bird Community School, which also was designed by Humphries Poli and which won a Peak Design Award from the Council of Education Facility Planners in 2014. The new school will include three ECE classrooms, 30 K-5 classrooms, special education classrooms, administration and common areas, a gymnasium, a cafeteria and a library / media center. The delivery method is Construction Manager / General Contractor. Completion is expected for the fall 2018 semester.
  • Aurora Public Schools’ Vista PEAK Preparatory School: The $16.1 million classroom addition will add a new wing housing 36 classrooms. Also part of the 75,000-square-foot addition is an expansion of the cafeteria; the weight room will grow by another 11,000 square feet.  The addition, designed by RTA Architects and MOA Architecture, is set for completion in summer 2018. The project was won through a bid.
  • Academy School District 20, Colorado Springs: A decade ago, GH Phipps, with MOA Architecture, worked together to construct the Discovery Canyon K-12 School, an exceptional building that conformed to the land around it. Now, the firms have been awarded a 3,500-square-foot design-build expansion to the gymnasium.  Elements to be addressed include the gym floor, and the basketball and volleyball courts. The $3 million project is expected to be completed in fall 2017.

Denver Public Schools’ Park Street Elementary rendering courtesy of Humphries Poli Architects

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