New Cherry Creek West Updates and Renderings

Denver-based developer East West Partners recently published a new presentation for Cherry Creek West that includes updates from the rezoning process as well as new renderings.

Designed by Gensler, Cherry Creek West will span from University Blvd. to Clayton Lane and from 1st Ave. to the Cherry Creek waterway. The endeavor will build upon the City of Denver’s planning efforts to ensure a connected, distinctive and prosperous Cherry Creek.

Current plans for the 12.86-acre community include 7 buildings (4 residential, 3 office), 100,000 square feet of restaurant and services space, two levels of shared parking with over 2,000 spaces, and 4 acres of open space.

The Cherry Creek West rezoning application was submitted in late May. Due to the unique nature of the site and the absence of public streets, East West Partners has agreed to custom zoning through a PUD, which is very common in Cherry Creek and along 1st Avenue. Cherry Creek North (C-CCN) zoning was selected as the
“baseline” after community outreach and conversation with city staff.

Some of the information about the project that is new or updated in the presentation includes:

Open space – 41% of the site will remain unbuilt

Cherry Creek West will provide a significant amount of open space. This is limited in the neighborhood today so it will be a great addition to be enjoyed by all. The site is ~13 acres or roughly 4 blocks and includes: 4 acres (41% of buildable area) dedicated to the creation of new open space.

East West Partners has purposefully created this plan with the pedestrian in mind. The site is very porous with more open space than required, and several new multi-modal bike and walking paths will significantly improve the surrounding neighborhood’s access to Cherry Creek and the regional trail system. The wide distances between the buildings and required mass reductions will provide excellent solar exposure and design outcomes. Cherry Creek West will complete Cherry Creek by establishing a new gateway to the community and facilitating connection to the community’s namesake, the Creek itself.

Building Heights

In accordance with the collective planning efforts in the area, including the Cherry Creek Area Plan and Blueprint Denver, East West Partners is seeking to rezone the property from an old retail/big box zone district (B-3) to a PUD-G (Planned Unit Development – General), with Cherry Creek North (C-CCN-12) as the base district.

Within the PUD, the height of buildings will be limited to 168’ or 13 stories to stay well under the Cranmer View Corridor.

Trail/green way improvements

Cherry Creek West will provide multiple, improved access points to and from the Cherry Creek Trail. There will be several safe internal pedestrian connections via paseos and sidewalks, amenitized sidewalks along all exterior boundaries of the Property, and a protected, two-lane cycle track along both Clayton Lane and 1st Avenue.

Cherry Creek North Drive will be widened and enhanced with a landscaped median, substantial tree plantings, sidewalk improvements, and an at-grade pedestrian connection from the green to the Cherry Creek Trail. East West Partners worked closely with Denver Parks and will improve the existing Cherry Creek Trail with the addition of pedestrian lighting, enhanced landscape buffering, and a new crusher fine trail alongside the bike path, which will serve as a natural gravel-like trail for pedestrian users.

Traffic/intersection improvements

During construction, several intersection improvements will be made. At 1st and Clayton, a pedestrian crossing will be added to the west side of the intersection. Today, there is no pedestrian crossing on this side of the intersection. In addition, East West Partners understands traffic queuing on southbound University to turn left onto Cherry Creek North Drive and Cherry Creek South Drive is an issue. Therefore, they will be extending the left turn lane at the University and Cherry Creek North Drive intersection approximately 100 feet. This is shown in the aerial on the right. For both items, the project team will work closely with the city to address the concerns identified in Denver Moves Cherry Creek.

Traffic Demand Management will reduce car trips by 20% and include the following strategies:

  • Bus stop amenities such as benches, shelters, and active real-time information
  • Bike storage and maintenance hub
  • Bike, e-bike, or scooter share program
  • Drivers will pay full market value for parking
  • Incentives for carpooling
  • Preferential parking for car-share vehicles
  • Flexible, sustainable transportation incentive fund

Affordable Housing

12% of the homes at Cherry Creek West will be affordable housing which is approximately 100 units. East West Partners has met with business owners, workers, and stakeholders in the neighborhood to ensure that the level of affordability built enables the people who currently work in the neighborhood to live at Cherry Creek West. These residences are for those earning 60% of the area median income, which in 2023 was approximately $52,000 for a single-person household and $59,000 for a two-person household.

In addition, East West Partners has worked collaboratively with the Department of Housing Stability (HOST) and proposed to the city that they would pay a 2x commercial linkage fee on all the office buildings at Cherry Creek West. This sizeable fee goes above the city’s requirements and will enable the city to build affordable units in other areas of need.

Updated Timeline

Cherry Creek West will be built in two phases. Phase 1 delivers:

  • Connection to Cherry Creek North
  • Connection to the Creek
  • Neighborhood’s new front yard
  • Bike and pedestrian amenities
  • New workplaces and homes (affordable + market-rate)
  • New restaurants and services

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