Power Home Remodeling Sets Its Sights on Denver

NGFK_FlexNorth West INOVA_Denver CO

Denver, CONewmark Grubb Knight Frank (NGKF), United Properties and Principal Real Estate Investors announce Power Home Remodeling, a Pennsylvania-based company, recently recognized as Fortune’s #1 Workplace for Millennials in the country, is opening a Denver location. The company’s pre-leasing commitment of 23,658 SF will kick start the planned 70,632-square-foot INOVA Flex development at INOVA Dry Creek.

INOVA Flex is part of the master planned INOVA Dry Creek, the southeast submarket’s new 650,000-square-foot mixed-use office, flex and residential campus, located just east of Interstate 25 and East Dry Creek Road in Centennial. NGKF’s Andrew Blaustein represented Power Home Remodeling and NGKF’s Jason Addlesperger, Dave Lee and Mike Wafer represented United Properties and Principal Real Estate Investors in the lease transaction.

“Power polls its employees every year to gauge interest in new markets and Denver was nearly the unanimous choice,” commented Corey Schiller, co-chief executive officer at Power Home Remodeling. “We also keep a watchful eye on where the general population would most like to live. Denver was at the top of both lists, so it’s an easy decision to relocate twenty individuals to help open the Denver market.”

Power Home Remodeling is listed in Inc. 5000’s annual list of fastest growing private companies and is consistently named one of the best places to work. “Our employees are especially energized by innovative and vibrant work environments, and we’re confident we can create the Chester, PA headquarters culture at INOVA,” he added.

“INOVA Flex provided options for Power that were not available anywhere else in this market,” added Andrew Blaustein, managing director at NGKF. “INOVA Dry Creek offers the most desirable location with a large parking ratio, an opportunity to design our own space from core and shell, and a mature tenant base in the immediate vicinity. Combine these features with the strength of the Southeast market, a Class A flex opportunity, and proximity to area amenities and you have a natural win.”

INOVA Dry Creek is situated near the Dry Creek light rail station, adjacent to Inverness Business Park and Centennial Airport, and is located approximately 20 minutes from downtown Denver. With United Properties and Principal Real Estate Investors seeking LEED® certification on all buildings, plans include facilities for bike commuters (dedicated building entries with showers, lockers, repair areas and bike rentals), a dedicated shuttle to transport employees to and from the Dry Creek light rail station, and onsite food truck pad sites with dining areas. Jason Addlesperger, Dave Lee and Mike Wafer, all executive managing directors at NGKF, master planned the campus with United Properties and Principal Real Estate Investors. Murray and Stafford was hired as the general contractor for INOVA Flex.

With a planned June groundbreaking for INOVA Flex, it is expected that Power Home Remodeling will open its Denver location in January 2017. The company currently has 1,650 employees in ten business locations across the United States and expects to grow its Denver employee base to 100 people.

Rendering courtesy of NGFK

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