Latest Updates on $1.2B CDOT Central 70 Project

POITRA Visual photosimulation services ( for ATKINS and CDOT. I-70 East EIS - Phase 1 of the Final EIS Preferred Alternative (Partial Cover Lowered Alternative) Photo-Simulation. Visualization for Impact Study of Alternatives. Denver, CO, CDOT. I-70 East Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Project.

Denver, CO – As the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently approved the reconstruction of Interstate 70 through central Denver, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) moves forward with continued outreach efforts and even an upcoming business development and planning course for construction firms. Construction on this $1.2 billion Centeral 70 Project is scheduled to begin in 2018.

Upcoming Public Outreach Events

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Telephone Town Hall

  • 7-8 p.m.
  • Call 1-877-229-8493 and enter pin 112034 to join the meeting

Thursday, February 16, 2017

In-Person Public Meeting

  • 5 – 7:30 p.m. – Open House
  • 6 p.m. – Presentation begins
  • Swansea Recreation Center
    2650 E. 49th Ave.
    Denver, CO 80216
  • Spanish translation, childcare, and refreshments will be available at the in-person meeting. For disability assistance, please call 303.757.9413 prior to the meeting.
POITRA Visual photosimulation services ( for ATKINS and CDOT. I-70 East EIS - Phase 1 of the Final EIS Preferred Alternative (Partial Cover Lowered Alternative) Photo-Simulation. Visualization for Impact Study of Alternatives. Denver, CO, CDOT. I-70 East Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Project.
POITRA Visual photosimulation services ( for ATKINS and CDOT. I-70 East EIS – Phase 1 of the Final EIS Preferred Alternative (Partial Cover Lowered Alternative) Photo-Simulation. Visualization for Impact Study of Alternatives. Denver, CO, CDOT. I-70 East Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Project.


Next Steps

Final design will begin in the Summer of 2017 following the selection of a developer/partner
to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the Project–which will be delivered as a public-private partnership. Construction is expected to begin in 2018 and last 4-5 years.

CDOT is proposing that contractors fill 20 percent of all construction jobs with residents from the neighborhoods most impacted by the project. Funding is also being provided for job training and employment support programs.

CDOT-Sponsored Training for Contractors for Central 70 Project

To help construction contractors prepare to help build the largest highway project in the state’s history, Connect2DOT is offering an 8-week LEADING EDGE for Transportation & Construction program starting on March 21. 

This business development and planning course is for established construction firms looking to grow and build capacity. The focus will be on smart business practices, strategic planning, and profitable contracting on commercial and public projects such as CDOT Central 70.

Background of Central 70 Project

The Central 70 Project will reconstruct a 10- mile stretch of I-70, add one new Express Lane in each direction, remove the aging 53-year old viaduct, lower the interstate between Brighton and Colorado boulevards and place a 4- acre park over a portion of the lowered interstate by Swansea Elementary School. The park will feature play areas, space for concerts and farmers markets, and a large sports field.

The Central 70 Project requires the acquisition of 56 residential properties and 17 businesses. Displaced residents are provided all benefits required by the federal Uniform Relocation Act. To date this process has provided a path to home-ownership for 24 renters.

“Improving I-70 will improve the quality of life for thousands in the Denver area, and improve public safety for hundreds of thousands each day,” said Federal Highway Administrator Gregory Nadeau. “This project will make travel safer and more efficient in one of the Rocky Mountain region’s busiest areas, setting the stage for years’ of economic growth.”

“For the first time since I-70 was opened to travelers in 1964, we are ready to deliver longoverdue safety and mobility improvements that will strengthen this economic lifeline for the region and the state,” said CDOT Executive Director Shailen Bhatt. “The Central 70 Project also redefines the role of I-70 in local communities, which were originally divided by the interstate 50 years ago.”

The FHWA action solidifies a series of commitments for nearby neighborhoods, requiring these measures to be funded as part of the project. The 148 commitments, designed to minimize impacts to residents and businesses, were identified during the public outreach for the study.

In addition to constructing the highway cover, CDOT will remodel portions of Swansea Elementary School, offer improvements to homes closest to the interstate in the Elyria and Swansea neighborhoods, and contribute $2 million to affordable housing. A full list of the mitigations is included the ROD, available at

Images courtesy of CDOT


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