Turner Construction Rejuvenates Historic Denver Club Building

Turner Construction_denver-club-entrance

Denver, COTurner Construction’s Special Projects Division recently completed capital improvements to the DC Building, formerly known as the Denver Club Building, a 231,454 square foot, 24-story office tower in downtown Denver owned by Unico Properties LLC, a real estate investment and operating company. Primary components include updates to the façade, main lobby, tenant lobby, basement, and restrooms.

Turner Construction_denver-clubFacade updates to the DC Building include replacement of storefront glazing system at street level, structural glazing system at the two main lobby building bays, and additional work to maintain historic significance. Main lobby improvements include updates to the fit and finishes, a new revolving door and entry doors, new ADA ramp, and creation of a new sense of place when entering the building.

Tenant lobby and restroom improvements on five floors include updates to elevator lobby fit and finishes, updates to the fit and finish of upper floor restrooms, relocation of plumbing for new restroom fixtures to meet ADA, and updates to finishes in tenant corridors. Basement improvements include an addition of a bike storage room, a renovation of the fitness and locker rooms, and an addition of a two lane bowling alley and lounge area.

The building sits on a site that was formerly home to a mansion that served as the headquarters for the Denver Club beginning in 1888. The mansion was demolished in 1954 and the office tower now stands in its place.

The design team included Gensler and Interior Architects.

Images courtesy of Turner Construction

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